Mural Artists
“Goin’ To Chicago”
Artist – Bonie Bolen

Photo of Cephas & Wiggins at River City Blues Festival – courtesy of Clem Hout
A 14′ wide and 8′ high mural of a street scene in Paris, Mississippi for the 2001 River City Blues Festival depicting the late 1940’s, early 1950’s departure from the Mississippi Delta of blues musicians on their way to Chicago.
“Barrelhouse Piano”
Artist – Geoff Schenkel

Photo courtesy of Larry Hawkins
An 8′ wide and 8′ high mural depicting the traditional barrelhouse of the 1930’s was the stage backdrop during the 2000 River City Blues Festival. The barrelhouse venues of the southern United States during the early part of the twentieth century always featured an upright piano. These venues and the stride piano players of the era were very important to the evolution of blues music as we know it today.
“Zydeco Friday Night”
Artist – Donna Gibson

Photo courtesy of John Gifford
Southwest Louisianna is the birthplace of Cajun & Zydeco Music. This 12′ wide and 8′ high mural depicts this artist’s vision of a Louisianna Bayou scene, where musicians would gather on Friday night, to play the accordion, guitar and fiddle. Eventually the frottoir (rubboard) became part of the mix.